Below you will find notes on the lessons we've studied as part of our Apologetics Ministry.
Click the link under each Lesson Title to download the file. 

  • In this lesson, we studied the basics of Christian Apologetics. What it is, who can do Apologetics, common misconceptions, what not to do and more. Click here to download the lesson file. 

  • In this lesson, we studied the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, including but not limited to: the Apocrypha, Peter as the first Pope, the self-proclaimed authority the church states they alone have, scripture + tradition, the understanding of salvation, sacraments, and indulgences. Click here to download the lesson file. 

  • In this lesson, we learned how to defend the truthfulness of God's Holy Word. There are many attacks against the Bible today, and you can use the statement (and other facts) used in this lesson to stand firm upon the reliability and historical nature of the Word. Click here to download the lesson file. 

  • In this lesson, we learned that there isn't a black and white answer to aliens and ghosts in the Bible, but that there is a spiritual realm. We can use the facts about the spirit world and demons to possibly explain strange occurrences in the world today. There are a lot of interesting facts held within these topics and the real lesson for us is to have a Biblical Worldview perspective on everything. We should all be able to give a Biblically based answer to people with real questions. Click here to download the lesson file. 

  • There is a growing fascination with Wicca and Witchcraft in today's world. Many people are caught up in the deception that Witchcraft and Wicca offers. Review this lesson to learn the many different ways that people practice their craft and also how to speak to them and prayerfully help bring them out of the lies they believe and into the only truth that can save. Click here to download the lesson file.

  • Ever hear of people in the world today doing yoga, meditation, using crystals and sage, tarot cards, horoscopes and reiki healing all in an attempt to reach nirvana or ultimate peace with the universe? New Age is one of the largest growing movements in the world today and it unfortunately sweeps people away from true biblical truth and into deception. Click this link to download the New Age Lesson File

  • In this lesson we'll learn about the beliefs, rituals and practices of the third most popular religion in the world, Hinduism. The objectives of this class are to get us to recognize how “eastern mysticism” has influenced other “western” ideologies, and also compare what Hinduism teaches compared to Christianity. Through these differences, we will learn how to explain to those who are lost, how this false teaching has influenced other false “ways” to God and point people to the only One who can save. Click here to download the Hinduism Lesson File.